World Mangrove Day, 2023

Every year, on the 26th of July, the world comes together to celebrate World Mangrove Day. This special occasion serves as a platform to increase awareness about the importance of conserving and preserving the magnificent mangrove ecosystem.

To mark this day, students of Grade 12C creatively depicted the perpetual conflict between urbanization and conservation through a poem. This visual depiction aimed to emphasize the significance of finding a balance between human development and protecting these vital ecosystems.

During the assembly, an informative speech was delivered, highlighting the dangers of commercializing mangroves and shedding light on the various policies and actions taken by the government to address this pressing issue. The goal was to raise awareness among the attendees about the need to safeguard these fragile habitats from exploitation. A lively skit highlighted unique characteristics and importance of mangrove forests.

A beautiful musical rendition of “Colours of the Wind” symbolized the respect and affection we must hold for mangroves, encouraging everyone to act responsibly in preserving these valuable ecosystems for future generations.